1 min read
27 Jan

When everything around is shrouded in darkness 

When every situation you face, is like a stranglehold 

Trudge on my friend 

Trust your instincts and trudge on

 It is easy to give up 

But a winner is one

 Who can trudge the farthest 

To the end of the tunnel 

To the beckoning LIGHT

Every one of us at every moment is fighting a battle. A battle to survive and succeed. In the human world of today, we are all in this un-ending rush of meeting expectations day-in and day-out. Rest is not an option. But what happens when the expectations are not of our own? Or when expectations beat reality? Suddenly the hurdles become too big to cross. We fall. It is a downward spiral then on. But is that the end of the world?  Surely not. Your world may ignore you or mock you but trust your  instincts and trudge on. The true survivor is one, who can adjust and reorient oneself with ones’ surroundings. We sadly treat it as a compromise, but I guess it is not-its all about opening a new door and a new avenue.

Reorienting is like shifting of gears in your automobile. By shifting gears, you may halt or slow momentarily, but eventually, you move and the destination arrives. Today sadly, society has become too rigid in pursuit of its goals. There is no scope for reorientation or even a thought of it. This has only led to trauma, much of which is avoidable.

But why am I saying all this? I say this while looking at this photograph and thinking hard. Though this photograph may look like a night sky, it is not. It is a room filled with incense smoke against a backdrop of a CFL bulb. Looking at the picture subsequently got me thinking. The lines above are an expression of my thoughts.

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