1 min read
17 Dec

Our origins are the same

 Our destinations are the same

 We came empty-handed

 We shall go empty-handed 

In the short span in-between 

Why the Acrimony? 

Why not the Harmony?

Today the world over on any given day, has acrimony stamped over it. Peace and harmony have taken a back seat. The turbulence is on numerous fronts, politics, religion, geological resources etc. The urge to fight and show dominance over another being has taken precedence over peace and harmony. If one looks at the chaos at large today, most of it is avoidable. Be it the political turmoil in the United States or Belarus, or for that matter in Myanmar(the Rohingya crisis). 

     Religion is also another bane of today. The way we seek dominance of one religion over the other another beats me. To subdue or subjugate one over the other is a wrong and narrow-minded approach. The more parochialistic we become, the higher is the upheaval. The innocent civilians are the ones, suffering. The destruction in Syria is a testament to this. In many countries, the seed of disharmony is sown by a few and watered to by the gullible masses. Every page of the newspaper today is filled with chaos and unpleasantness. The social media is not far behind either with its fair share of hatred amongst sugar-coated lines. What is even more painful is that sadly, the educated class display more gullibility in their opinions on social media. 

I have been mulling over these thoughts for quite some time now, though I know there is no escape from it. One way out is to express your angst, in every civilized way possible. To me, it is through these pictures and the stories they tell. This particular picture of a climber intertwined on another tree is a perfect example of harmony and co-existence. 

When our origins are the same, our destinations are the same, the colour of our blood is the same, then why the intolerance? Cant we all intertwine ourselves in peaceful co-existence?

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