1 min read
30 Nov

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;   

If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;  

If you can fill the unforgiving minute  

With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, 

 Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,                                           

 -From “If” by Rudyard Kipling  

 This particular image shared with me recently by my friend and co-contributor, Monami Mukherjee is one of the best in my collection. There is a degree of serenity while you watch this image. The setting sun in the background and this massive piece of metal, as if floating in the foreground, leaves you awestruck. Looking at this image for a while, I suddenly seemed to be reciting the lines with which I started here. The lines from the famous poem talk about stoicism and endurance in the face of adversity. Who would have imagined, a hundred years ago that, a piece of metal could float in the sky and make connectivity to a distant land, such a reality!!. The Wright brothers not only dreamt and thought about a flying machine, but they also filled every unforgiving minute to turn their thoughts to reality. The journey from the Wright Flyer in 1903 to the Jumbo jets of today, has been an example of human endurance. 

Every individual has something in himself or herself. Some are lucky to identify the same and have the opportunity to build on it, while other’s need help. There will be adversity and resistance to your thoughts and passions. Yet it is important never to give up and always fill that unforgiving minute, with sixty seconds’ worth of distance run. I state these lines with confidence now, because I too have wavered and buckled in the past. But thanks to those individuals, who understood my interests and pushed me to write. My dreams, therefore, have turned to reality today. This blog is an expression of myself as an amateur photographer and story-teller.

Picture Credits: Monami Mukherjee

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