Just like the iconic song by Sir Elton John, which stirred my soul many years ago, this candle in the wind has also given me a sense of satisfaction. Taken many years ago, at the festival of Diwali in India, this picture has given me a sense of calm in every turbulent moment. To me, that is the power of the fire. It can both destroy as well as provide serenity.
Just like in every other family, Diwali was a buzz of activity in our house too. But as I entered my teens, the interest waned. There were many reasons for that which I do not dwell here. I battled loneliness and the eerie silence around me at this time. With time the crackers stopped completely, but the lighting up of the house prevailed. But it was a solitary affair. I got over feeling sad and began to enjoy the “ alone” syndrome. I was with myself, talking to the stars, the evening wind wafting through the hairs on my head. Every time the candles flickered in the wind, it felt like there was banter going on amongst us, keeping the whole world at bay. That was the moment probably where I picked up the camera to capture the moment for posterity. This picture is almost a decade old, but it still gives me a lot of cheer, reminiscing the moment.
This solitary candle will always cheer me up every time I look at it, as it has been doing in the past. The candle has not only dispelled the darkness and allayed the fears, but it has also given me hope. The HOPE to face another SUNRISE!
Every time you Flickered
Every time you Swayed
You spoke to me, in your way
You gave me hope
You gave me cheer
You made me smile
And Yes, You also dispelled the darkness.