1 min read
09 Sep

I look at you and my mind is calm

I look at you and my eyes, forget the strain

I look at you and I forget the cacophony around

I look at you and I am in a state of trance

The electric pole rises as if to protect its neighbours. The trees seem to whisper to the water; the wind echoes in its joyful ride; the bush peeps through the crystal vapour.

They all are busy with their daily activities yet, recognise their inner selves. They do not forget to reflect, to express, or be content and most importantly not to stress. There is a lot to learn from them, isn’t it?

Some pictures are bereft of colour, but the light and shadows take you into a deeply reflective atmosphere. It is just that you have to, open up your mind to it. The above picture was taken somewhere in North Bengal, India.

Picture and write-up credits: Epsita Ganguly Sikdar

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