1 min read
30 Aug

You came out of the blue, all of a sudden

You came, when we were at our lowest ebb

You stood guard every day, to watch over us

You called out to us, to pull us out of the abyss

Then, you just flew away, into the wide wide world

Permanently etching our hearts, with your memories....

We all have come face to face with certain painful events at some point in our lives. More often than not, they come in a blink of an eye and makes you hit your lowest ebb. I too encountered one such incident last year, when my mother met with a major accident while on a holiday in Nagaland.

   The accident needed a major surgical intervention with a hospital stay of more than two weeks. We were on the 10th floor of the hospital, a worried lot on the day of the surgery. I was sitting with the back to the window, facing my mother. All of a sudden, there is a pecking noise in the window behind and there it is, this beautiful peregrine falcon. It kept calling and kept pecking at the window, till the time she was wheeled into the operation theatre. She flew away soon after, after giving me a reassuring glance as if to say all will be fine. She was there every day for the next two weeks assuring us in a way, singing to us while perched on the window sill. Surprisingly, on the day of my mother’s discharge, she came in, very early in the morning and sat with us for a long time….and then she was gone. As if to say, “my job is done, you can go home. Your mother is fine”. This beauty will remain in our hearts, FOREVER!!

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